Hello there. Thank you for the kind messages received regarding my post yesterday. I’m not going to dwell on it any more on this blog. It’s something I’d rather continue dealing with, with my family. However, my offer to help anyone still stands so feel free to get in touch.
We’re approaching the end of the month and I’m wondering whether to continue with the daily posts, reduce them, or all out stop. The goal was to go for a month – and I’m on track for that. If you have an opinion on this, do let me know. Do you find you can’t live without these posts? Do you find these posts (and the spam on instagram) annoying as hell? Let me know, as it’ll help me decide which route I go next. I don’t make money out of this or anything, it’s just something I do to try and stay creative in different ways. I have another plan for staying creative in the next month, which you may (or may not) hear about soon. Ominous? Yep.
I suppose there’s still a few loose ends when it comes to recent posts. Like what happened to Operation-Get-The-OddDaughter-To-Sleep-In-Her-Own-Room-Again. That can be one to update on tomorrow maybe. And actually, it may be nice to share some learnings from doing these daily posts too. That will take me to the end of the month and then that’s the goal met.
Maybe I’ll do something on Instagram to allow people to vote as to whether they’d like me to continue doing these or not. I’m not a prolific Instagram – or social media – user. All I do these days is use it as a platform to share the posts I write.
In fact, social media usually annoys me. I took myself off Facebook many years ago because I was fed up of hearing people overshare on their lives (ironic, I know). Instagram seemed to be a fresh perspective but that’s going down the same path of oversharing (I know, I know).
I mean, I do find some content entertaining, usually comedic spins on everyday life. Or it’s nice to be updated on when it’s someone’s birthday and what they get up to. But then there are some tedious posts every few minutes that go over the same things again and again.
“This is what I’m doing”
2 minutes later: “Now this is what I’m doing”
A few mins later: “Look at me and my amazing life I portray on social media to hide how shit my actual life is”
You’re just one step away from posting going to the toilet. I guess its a generation thing. For instance, usually when I go on holiday I like to enjoy it away from social media. Sure I’d sometimes share a snap – but I try to stick to no more than one a day. But these days it seems every little moment needs to be documented on social media. All in the name of getting likes to get a hit of dopamine. It’s not just holidays – it’s everything from going to sports games, to going for a meal. You’re seeing more of it through the screen rather than with your own eyes – so why not just watch youtube videos instead?
Each to their own. I can just ignore it. And I’m fully aware these posts I put up are probably seen in the same light by some.
Wow. That was some old man rant right there. Perhaps I’m not as ok as I believe?!
Nah, I’m fine. It’s the rest of the world.
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