Hello again. I’m regretting this daily blog post thing already – and it’s only just day two. I’m not quite in routine yet this year, so I’m not waking up early enough to get things done. That’s the excuse I’m going with anyway.
Didn’t help last night the OddDaughter wet the bed. As mentioned yesterday, we’re bed sharing as she overcomes a fear of monsters. The night she had the first monster nightmare she screamed so much that there was “something” in her room that even I was scared to enter her room! I considered hiding behind Mrs OddFather as she tended to it instead. Some alpha male I am! Women and children first and all that. Anyway, I did the right thing and “dealt” with it. Basically sharing the spare bed with the OddDaughter for the night as a one off. It’s been 3 months now and nothings changed. Dealing with it like a pro!
So yeah, she wet the bed… and I can’t lie – there was a split second where I initially wondered whether it was me. Come on people, don’t tell me you’ve never had that little doubt before. Thankfully on this occasion I can confidently blame the OddDaughter. That meant getting up in the middle of the night, showering her, changing the bed sheets, putting everything in the wash, and then spending a few hours trying to get back to sleep while the OddDaughter snored within minutes of getting back into bed.
I now fully appreciate what my mum had to go through when I was a child. I was a regular bedwetter when I was very young. Wow – that’s some admission right there. I blame my brother. He “made me” watch Child’s Play as a young child and the killer doll appeared in my dreams practically every night. I was even scared to go upstairs for a wee when it was dark. But I had a plan. If Chucky – the killer doll – appeared from behind the shower curtain, I would turn and wee on him! A self defence tactic I’ve applied to many aspects of life but haven’t had to resort to. To this day I jump if I unexpectedly see an image of Chucky. Luckily I’ve moved past wetting the bed. I sh*t the bed instead! Haha, I kid I kid. If I’m going to do this blog, I should probably learn to turn off that going-too-far switch in my head.
You may be wondering where Mrs OddFather was during the situation last night. And that brings me to the news I promised yesterday. Mrs OddFather is expecting our second child! She’s in the final trimester so she’s struggling with aches, discomfort, heartburn and mood-swings to kill (towards me anyway). Good job she doesn’t read this blog… I hope. For this reason I decided not to disturb her during the night and dealt with the bedwetting on my own. What a husband eh?
There’s a lot to discuss around my anxiety regarding this pregnancy. But I’ll cover that on another day. See what I did there? I’m keeping you on your toes so you’ll come back. Expert marketing, this. Back again tomorrow.