Good morning. Or bad morning. Depends what side of the bed you wake up on. I always sleep on the same side of the bed, so should that mean every morning I feel the same?
Mrs OddFather and I are wired very differently. I wouldn’t say I’m necessarily a negative person, but compared to her and her overly positive nature – I can see how I can be pessimistic. So, inspiring today’s post is looking at some scenarios and seeing how a change of mentality could result in different feelings.
Scenario: Children reaching milestones
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Other kids are already crawling/walking/eating on their own/going to the toilet on their own. My child should be too.
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Trust me – they’ll catch up eventually. I’m yet to meet a healthy adult that is still crawling and soiling their pants multiple times a day.
Scenario: The house is a mess
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Very common in my house. Clutter can drive me insane, it’s like it represents my mind with all the thoughts going through it. If the house is a mess, my mind is a mess. And what if we have visitors come round last minute – they’ll think we’re slobs.

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Yeah there’s fingerprints on the windows, toys are all over the place, muddy footprints on the floor from when the OddDaughter ran in to say hello to me without taking her wellies off. I love when she comes home and gives me a huge hug – do I really want to ruin the moment by demanding she take her shoes off? One day, when she’s older, the windows and floors will remain clean, the toys will no longer form part of the furniture, and the house will look more like a museum. And you know what? I’ll miss the messy home that houses my young children. Cliched, but true.
Scenario: Hosting an evening at your house
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As mentioned above – the house is a mess. You have to pay for drinks, dinner etc. You have to clean up when everyone leaves.
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People you want at your house won’t care if your house is clutter-free or not. And usually when I clean up the following morning I’m smiling when I think back to the night. Yeah dinner and drinks will be on you, but are you really that stingy? It doesn’t have to be expensive, there’s lots of ways to do cheaper meals. You’ll spend money – but years down the line you won’t remember the money spent, you’ll remember the memories from the night… unless you wind up drinking too much and having no recollection of the night.

Scenario: Co-sleeping with your child
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It’s an uncomfortable night, you’ll wake up with back pain when the child decides to use you as a pillow most of the night. It’ll ruin their routine. It’ll ruin your routine. I think I’ve spoken about this enough in previous posts.
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The connection and comfort you feel having your child hug you in the middle of the night is second to none. Yeah it’s not great for routine, but eventually the child will grow to sleep on their own and will want to be in their own space – so enjoy this while you can!
I was supposed to do an example of a ridiculous one but I’ve run out of time. Enjoy your Saturdays Y’ALL.
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