Happy spring. It’s spring, right? The weather is slightly milder. Less frosty. Though it’s still looking a bit miserable out there… In England that could mean it’s summer for all we know.
Let’s just get straight to why you’re here… Is there a baby here yet? The answer is still no. We’re officially past the due date now. Turns out the baby isn’t “engaged” yet. If they keep this up the baby will be married before they arrive! That makes little sense but I’m running with it. As you can imagine, we’re kind of just sitting around… waiting.

Mrs OddFather is still uncomfortable, but pretty much at the same consistent level as weeks gone by. Have to say, I’m a little surprised, had I been a betting man I would have put money on the baby coming early. Good job I’m not a betting man then.
The good thing is it means we’re pretty much prepared for the baby to come so we have time to relax a bit before the sleepless nights take over. Right now we’re having some family movie time, watching Beauty and the Beast with the OddDaughter. The cartoon, not the live-action remake. I don’t think I’ve actually watched this from start to finish before. I had the choice of getting the VHS of Beauty and the Beast, Peter Pan, or the Jungle Book when I was a child – I chose Jungle Book. If I had to go back in time, I’d make the same choice again. No regrets. Though, following that moment, Aladdin and The Lion King were released – two of my favourite Disney movies.
Strangely, I’m finding myself eating more and more recently. I’ve had cravings for McDonalds, multiple kebabs, pizzas, bacon sandwiches and lots of chocolate… All which I’ve given in to the last week. I don’t remember being like this back when the OddDaughter was due to arrive. Back then I was the opposite – eating less and actually losing weight. My, how times change.

Maybe it’s stress, maybe it’s sympathy weight gain, maybe it’s stress. Maybe it’s stress.
Ah well, the diet can start once the baby is here right? And the running. As of now, I’m not really leaving Mrs OddFather on her own much in case she goes into labour. Wherever she goes I will go too. Makes it awkward when she goes into women’s public toilets.
Anyway, maybe we’ll try to find natural ways to induce labour. You know – taking hot baths, eating spicy food, going on long walks etc… I’m sure Mrs OddFather may want to join me too.
If I were to guess… I reckon the baby will decide to show up on Mother’s Day this Sunday. Does that mean I don’t need to get anything for Mrs OddFather, as her present would be the baby itself? Worth a shot, right? Until then, this baby will continue to follow their father’s footsteps and sit around lazily until forced to get up!
Oh, and finally, Happy International Women’s Day to all women everywhere. As the husband to a truly amazing, independent woman, I have seen first hand how strong a woman can be when she has the confidence and belief to excel in anything she puts her mind to. I can certainly learn a lot from her! The best thing is the OddDaughter is growing up in the image of her mother, and I couldn’t be prouder.

Enjoy your weekends!