Hello all. Struggling to fit in a blog post today, so let’s delve into some quotes from the OddDaughter when she was a 3 year old.
Whilst toilet training the OddDaughter, I was occasionally a little paranoid of any accidents so put her in pull ups. When she then proceeded to soil said pull up, I told her she was supposed to use the toilet. To which her response was:
“Well, You shouldn’t have put a nappy on me then” .
Sass, indeed.
She can be quite random at times… don’t know where she gets that from… Here’s some advice she gave me when driving:
“If you see a black car you have to drive at it. And if you see a black car running into our car then you have to cry.”
Sound advice, to be fair.
We try and instil manners into the OddDaughter’s speech. Especially when it comes to requesting something. So, when I asked her for the magic word when requesting a spoon, she naturally responded with:
I was looking for ‘please’.
When I made a comment about Mrs OddFather losing her marbles, the OddDaughter’s response:
“Mummy, Daddy said you’re losing your marbles. Do you have them or not? Where are they?”
Thanks, that made things better for me.
Mrs OddFather likes to get the OddDaughter thinking mathematically every now and then. Once, she showed the OddDaughter various pictures of people with different number of balloons. When asked who has the least amount of balloons, the OddDaughter replied:
Well, she wasn’t wrong.
Seeing the joker in a deck of cards…
“Daddy, it’s Santa!“
Quite the imagination.
You’ve heard this one before:
“Daddy, you can eat the sweets because you’re the fattest”
Can’t have been personal.
I’m a bit of a needy parent at times. So when I said “goodnight, I love you” to the OddDaughter and didn’t get it back, I asked “don’t you love me?”, she replied:
“I love you, but as a friend”
Takes being friend-zoned to a whole new level.
After I made her porridge:
“This is the best porridge I never tasted”
That is some serious mind games she’s playing there.
And finally, when I inform the OddDaughter her nose will get big if she lies…
“Will it get bigger and bigger like your nose daddy?”
God, I love her. Always finds a way to make me smile.