Dumb model sets off to an exotic island to save depressed author being held captive by British millionaire
Quick reviews seem to be the way forward seeing as I’m watching more movies and don’t have time to give a ridiculously long analysis of every scene. I’ve got a backlog of reviews to write so let’s get straight into it…
The Lost City is bizarre. Even when I tried to summarise it in my usual tongue-in-cheek manner in the excerpt, I realise I just had to write exactly what this movie is!
I’ve been looking forward to watching this movie ever since seeing the trailer. It hits all the right notes for what I’m guessing is my guilty pleasure type of movie. I’m thinking of movies like Jungle Cruise, a bit of fun with a likeable cast. And that’s exactly what’s present here. Channing Tatum has found the formula that works for him – attractive but unintelligent. Likewise, Sandra Bullock has her formula – awkward but smart. I have time for both them. Together it has to work, right?
The Lost City for me is a movie of two halves, allowing for both Tatum and Bullock to shine in their respective styles. The first half is kind of slapstick funny matching Tatum’s style, with the second more of a sentimental romcom for Bullock. It works, but I have to say I preferred the first half to the second.
That being said, Tatum and Bullock really work well together. The chemistry is great when they’re together. And Daniel Radcliffe as the villain is actually pretty convincing too. When I saw the trailer I thought Radcliffe was a strange choice because I wrongly assumed he will always be Harry Potter in my eyes. Turns out there’s more to him than sitting on broomsticks and chasing golden balls.
While we’re talking about the cast can I just mention how Sandra Bullock doesn’t seem to age? She seems to have been around for ages yet still looks fantastic. I mean, she was playing similar roles when I was a kid – how old is she? Whatever her age, I think she has a lot more time to continue playing these type of roles.
Then there’s Brad Pitt. What a great inclusion to the movie. He delivers all his ridiculous lines with such a straight face I’m surprised he doesn’t do comedy more often. The timing of his introduction in this movie made his supposed fate rather predictable but his inclusion works so well alongside Tatum and Bullock.
As mentioned, I found the first half funnier than the second, and the trailer seems to show all the best jokes from this portion of the movie. However, it’s still enjoyable seeing it all play out. There’s some side stories occurring too, but these are largely forgettable.
A final note for those who may not have seen the movie yet. There IS a mid credit scene. One that I missed. And I have to say I’m genuinely gutted. For whatever reason, I was in a hurry to leave the cinema that day and didn’t stick around, thinking there was no additional scene. When I returned home and found out there was I was inconsolable. It has left me feeling like there’s a hole in my life. I pretty much hit the bed to sleep like this…
…why I was in handcuffs I don’t know. Insert racy joke here
An enjoyable movie, including a cast with great chemistry and some genuine laugh out loud moments. The trailer may give away the best jokes, but it’s still worth seeing it all play out.