The pursuit of blogging happiness

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Happy New Year! Hope you all had a great festive period, whatever you got up to or what your beliefs may be.

We decided to host a pyjama night with family. I wish someone warned me just how hot it gets in a onesie. It didn’t help having to try and fit in 2000 steps before midnight so I could ensure I get a free cinema ticket for next month (it’s a Vitality thing). Luckily, I had a 12 year old nephew to hand with a lot of energy to burn – he wore my Apple Watch and managed to work out he didn’t even have to walk, instead he just had to swing his arms around whilst sitting down. These are the kids that are going to be running the world one day! Anyway, it became a late one, largely because I spent a long time trying to find where I put my phone in the room I’m sleeping in. I’m sharing a room with the OddDaughter at the moment as she rids her mind of monsters and I couldn’t switch the main light on. So, I used the flashlight… on my phone… to look for where my phone was. It took longer than it should have for me to realise the error of my ways. 2024 is living up to expectations already!

What does 2024 bring for the OddFather blog? Honestly… I don’t know. This blog has gone from a movie review blog, to an Arsenal blog (Don’t. Just don’t), and now probably a rambling blog. I’ve challenged myself to see how long I can continue to post an article each and every day. Some of these may be movie reviews or thoughts on the football, but more often it’ll just be whatever I’m feeling at that particular time. Don’t get me wrong, as a semi-anonymous blog, these aren’t going to be overly personal posts. It’s not going to be me doing a deep dive into the arguments Mrs OddFather and I get into, regardless of how enjoyable a read that may be to many. All I know is it’s not going to be me writing something, reading it over, and ensuring it reads like Shakespeare let alone be grammatically correct. It’ll just be quick 500ish word articles, usually in the morning, that would take the average reader a couple of minutes to read. Ultimately it’s not even about the reader – it’s about me trying to find ways to stay creative for as long as possible. Taking bets on how long I’ll keep up the daily posting… do I hear 3 days? 3 days anyone?

Feel free to comment on any resolutions you’re taking up to fail this year. Mine usually revolve around running, meditating, reading, and some other stuff that many millions of books and articles preach to the world about.

And now for the teaser to keep you coming back for more… I have some news to share that I’ll reveal in tomorrow’s article. Ominous, right? Til then!


  1. Great start OddFather. And very clever to get the youth to get you free stuff.

    I would say for me is to pick up the guitar again and get playing again and get past that plateau I reached a few years ago.

    This is very dependent on the little one obviously.

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