Getting a child to sleep on their own: An update

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Hello all. Firstly, an apology. I was in a right grump yesterday. Sorry if you were offended by anything I said. But I stand by what I said.

Anyway – let’s move on.

I realise I haven’t given an update on how getting the OddDaughter to sleep in her own room is going. Firstly – my tasks:

  1. Paint the room pink and purple with unicorns dotted everywhere. Done.
  2. New curtains. Not done. However, it’s not really a necessity right now as it’s still dark in the evenings and the mornings.
  3. A new bed. Four poster with net curtains all around. Done (rolls eyes).
  4. An appropriate night light. Done.

Here’s the results…

Gosh – this blog is not built for galleries. But I’m not going to go in to spruce it up now so this is the best you’ll get. There’s still things I need to do, like put up a shelf for her teddy bears etc. But I just need her to sleep on her own right now so that can wait.

Two nights ago was THE day. The OddDaughter started sleeping in the room on her own. However, after midnight she ends up waking up and coming into our room. I then pick her up, carry her back into her room, place her into her bed whilst wrestling with the net curtains, and leave the room after a whole conversation with the OddDaughter asking me why I can’t stay in her room.

And as if I’m living in a cartoon – by the time I get back to my own bed… she’s already there. And the cycle begins again. So, that’s happening multiple times a night, but apparently it is reducing so we’re making progress. Not that my sleep is seeing it as progress right now.

I’m feeling pretty much in zombie mode right now. So nice of the OddDaughter to give us practice for when the baby comes I guess.

Hopefully things settle for a couple of weeks before the baby decides to make an appearance.

A summary of other loose ends from this blog:

  • The OddDaughter has fully overcome her illness and is back to her usual self.
  • Mrs OddFather is still recovering from her illness but she’s making progress. All whilst sounding like Gollum right now.
  • We’re still waiting for our new overpriced mattress to arrive so we can move into our new bedroom.
  • After a light run of fixtures for Arsenal – they start to ramp up again in the coming weeks. This will resort to either a happy OddFather, or a sadder OddFather.
  • I’m still feeling old. I’m still feeling meh.

And chances are the daily blog posts will come to an end tomorrow. Unless I have a change of heart.

That tie up all loose ends? Have I left any unanswered questions? Tomorrow’s blog will probably be about my learnings of posting daily. Unless I find there’s not really much in the way of learning at all.

Enjoy your days.

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