Illness vs Postive Mindset

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Hello hello. Not much more to bring to the table today in addition to yesterday’s post. I’m still ill. But I’m still trying to power through. The mornings are definitely the worst. It’s like my body forgets how to function. Then I get set for the day and cough my way through it.

My boss at work has the same symptoms, yet I don’t recall coming face to face with her last week. I guess the office is a big space, and there may be a go-between person that is the carrier passing it on from one to the other.

Which, is my way of saying… boss, I’m not pointing the finger at you for my illness. She doesn’t know of this blog so I’d be surprised (and slightly horrified) if she read this!

One thing Mrs OddFather mentioned to me today was how overcoming illness can be about mentality. And then something about how they did a medical study and found that a positive mindset can lead to faster recovery of illness. I get that. And I agree with that. Do you know why? Because I’ve said that to her in the past!

I also specifically remember it not going down so well, when I mentioned that to Mrs OddFather when she was ill a while back. Maybe it was how I said it… “It’s all in your head, darling”.

I’m kidding. Those were not the exact words I used. But it does stand to reason that if I stayed in bed on Sunday til now, I would be feeling very much worse than I am right now. I remember a couple of years ago this is exactly what happened. I fell ill, I thought rest would be the answer, and so I stayed in bed watching Netflix all day. But not feeling any better as time went on. The moment I got up and about was when I started making bigger strides in my recovery.

So, that’s why I ensured I got out of bed on Sunday, even if it was in the afternoon. That, and the fact there’s no tv in the bedroom so I was getting a bit bored of my own company.

In many ways, this was also another reason I went to the doomed football game on Saturday. I figured if I just carry on like nothing is wrong, I’m more likely to be ok. Perhaps that was pushing it too far though, as in the end that was probably what made it worse. It’s a balancing game, I guess.

But there is a lot to be said in general about a positive outlook on life. The more positive your mindset, the more likely you are to spot the good things in life. I may have mentioned on this blog previously, but there was a study where a twenty-pound note was left on the floor. What happened? The people with a positive mindset were more likely to spot it than those that were negative. Maybe the negative mindset meant you hold your head down, whilst the positive mindsets are more likely to open up their vision to whats around them.

Right, I know I’m typing, but I really am not paying enough attention to what I’m actually saying so I think that’s a cue for me to stop. Lesson of the story, a positive mindset goes a long way.

Now all I have to do is listen to myself.

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