Good afternoon. You know how yesterday I was talking about being battered and bruised? Well, that’s nothing compared to how I’m feeling right now. My eyes are heavy, and my body feels like slush.
I woke up at 5am in the morning, groggily tending to the OddSon, with a bit of a dilemma on my mind. Do I go to the Arsenal game I have a ticket for today? Or do I give the ticket away and put my health first. I couldn’t imagine giving away the chance to see Arsenal. Sure, I go to watch them a few times a season. Yet, it’s not often enough. Plus today – I know the writer of the Arseblog was going to be present. A rare occurrence itself. I know that sounds weird, but I have spent the best part of the last 15 or so years reading Arseblog daily. Are the chances of meeting him slim? I guess so. 1 in 60,000 if I’m only counting fans in attendance. But that itself is another risk worth taking. After an hour of pondering, I decided to go – and then went back to sleep.
On waking up an hour or so later, I felt even more sluggish. Mrs OddFather convinced me to sell the ticket on the ticket exchange system. I thought it would go quite quickly. Nope. Nothing. I waited until midday – the latest I could leave it to go to the match myself – and called it. I withdrew the ticket and “manned up”. With about 50 layers on. At this rate I may need more than one seat.

It doesn’t help it’s a 5.30pm kick off – meaning I won’t get back until late. And it doesn’t help that I’m watching Arsenal play Villa – a team local to me – so, I’ll be travelling down and back with their fans. Which would be unbearable if we were to lose – or even not win.
I think it’s going to be one of those typical situations where had I not gone, Liverpool (who we need to lose to stand a chance in the league) would lose and Arsenal would have the best game ever thrashing Villa. BUT, because I have decided to go it’s now written that Liverpool will win, and Arsenal will fail to win.

I guess in positive news, the train is rather empty – I’m guessing the Villa fans have decided to travel early and have a piss up. Fuckin’ Brummies. Yes, yes, I know I too am a Brummie. And I would do the same had I not been feeling like hell.
Honestly, as I sit on this train, I wish I was sitting in a hot bath instead. Does make me wonder – the fact I wasn’t able to give away an Arsenal ticket really shows the state of the support right now. Sure, it’s cold and miserable outside. But. This. Is. Arsenal. Usually tickets are like gold dust.
Anyway, we are where we are. Please Arsenal, make this trip worthwhile.
Depending on how I feel, I may do a post on the way home tonight. At the very least that can act as an update for Mrs OddFather to know I’m doing ok (or not). That’s right, I only ever communicate to my wife through the channel of this blog now. Forget SMS, WhatsApp, and face to face conversation. I’m plugging into the Matrix. Shit – I’m getting delusional. I mean, more than I usually would be.
See you on the other side folks.