Back by public demand

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Hello everyone. So after much thought and deliberation, I have decided to return to blogging… after a mere hour or so since considering retirement. I may not do this everyday anymore. But, when I’m feeling up to it, I will do so as it’s actually something I enjoy doing. Don’t like that? Well f*ck you. That’s right. This version of OddFather is taking no sh*t.

No, no don’t click away – I’m sorry! Please come back, I love you.

To be fair I put out a poll on Instagram and it’s really close so far…

What the data doesn’t show it there’s only one person that’s voted. And that’s me. I’m just playing. The votes were into the double figures – but I’m disappointed that no one has voted “no” so far. That would have been fun. And potentially friendship ending. But thank you those that did vote – means a lot.

Who knows, maybe by the time I wake up it would have swung in the direction of 51% people voting “no”. In which case this post can be seen as a bit premature.

Oh, I should point out this is being published at midnight February 1st. Hence why I’ve surprised even myself in how quickly I’ve returned to the blogging world. At the time of writing I’m returning on the train from London, having just watched the Harry Potter and the Cursed Child play with Mrs OddFather. Figured it’s probably the last time it’s just the 2 of us for a while.

I thought it would be a nice train journey home where I can have an open conversation with Mrs OddFather. But she’s asleep. Fell asleep within minutes of sitting on the train. And I’m bored. So I thought I’d write a piece on the play. A bit like my old review days. However, I’ve ended up rambling about everything but the play. I guess that gives me something to type about tomorrow – or February 2nd. I don’t even know what day we’re on anymore – this blog was reminding me of the day of the week, now that’s out the window.

Is it cheating that I’m technically writing this post when it’s still January 31st? I don’t care. My blog, my rules. You won’t read it til February 1st so that works for me. Maybe I should write 28 posts while I’m sitting on this sloooooowwww train. Shame I can’t see into the future. I have a feeling the OddBaby will be arriving early and in February. That’ll be fun to write about. I think. I don’t think Mrs OddFather will appreciate me bashing out a blog post while she’s in labour.

“Push, darling, push”

Types: Today, Mrs OddFather is pushing a baby out. Tomorrow’s post – The OddFather get’s divorced.

There’s still no plan for this blog aside from rambling about pretty much nothing and anything. Though I’m considering introducing illustration posts in future – where I draw something random and put out to the world. Rambling with a (Apple) pencil.

Well, great end start to January February so far. Catch you all tomorrow… providing I can be bothered.

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