Love thy neighbour

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Goodly morning all. I admit, yesterday’s post was a little on the random side. It’s almost as if it had been written the night before. After a few drinks. Almost…

I’ve been thinking a lot about our neighbours recently. They really are great. It’s what makes for an amazing community for families. One of my neighbours is a 70-something year old. And as friendly as can be.

Take this message he sent when the OddSon was born almost a year ago, (Obviously, I have replaced Mrs OddFather’s real name with her “blog name” to try and remain semi-anonymous):

Mrs OddFather is a lovely girl.

I had a little gift for her at Easter but you guys never seemed to be around or when you were, you always seemed to have guests. I know now they would have been there to see the baby.

See. Lovely. Which other neighbour would give your wife a gift for Easter? Would I also have liked a gift? Sure, who doesn’t? But maybe he only had enough budget to gift one of us. And well – how very gentlemanly of him.

He then goes on to say…

Well done to you both. And Mrs OddFather too. She needs a little brother to look after, sweet sister.

Still – very lovely. Although, I can see how that may offend Mrs OddFather’s actual younger brother. Maybe the neighbour felt Mrs OddFather deserved a better brother? I’m not sure. And I didn’t want to probe. So naturally, I said thanks.

A few messages later he continues…

You are Lovely Neighbours and you can always count on our support as and when you need us.

Drop Mrs OddFather round for a little play or watch a cartoon as and when you want some space. and also give her a change and a challenge [SMILEY FACE]

What. The. Hell.

A lot to unpick here. Firstly – in my 8 years of marriage, I did not know Mrs OddFather enjoyed cartoons. If so, I thought she’d have been more engaged when I watched the Simpsons. Or Rick and Morty. I have a lot to improve on as a husband.

Next – A little play? Does he mean chess? I mean sure, Mrs OddFather and I used to play chess before the kids came along. Or rather, she used to wipe the floor with me at chess anyway. But we don’t get the time these days. Is this why she’s always annoyed at me? Because I don’t give her enough chess-ing?

Finally – Give her a change and a challenge? Once again, am I not doing enough to challenge Mrs OddFather? I thought I did that quite well to be honest. Anything she does I usually challenge her on. But maybe the neighbour is able to challenge her in ways that I’m just not capable of.

Ah sod it… some space does sound nice actually. Maybe I should drop her there one day this weekend – you know, just to give me a bit of a well deserved rest.

Such a sweet neighbour. Hope you’re all giving your neighbours a good loving today.

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