Hello all. Another quick late post for you. I could have written this earlier had I woken up super early as I intend to. But it was one of those mornings where I really struggled to get out of bed. Might it have had anything to do with the football?

I think that says enough.
Yesterday I was actually supposed to write about Moana 2. But never fear, I have it here. Saturday was the first daddy-daughter movie date of the year. I have to say, I enjoy them. Perhaps that’s also because I enjoy decent kid’s movies. But I saw some very bored parent’s in the audience on their phones. They don’t know what they’re missing.
As is tradition, we started by running in to order popcorn before the movie started. Dilemma number one. I like mixed popcorn, the OddDaughter enjoys only sweet popcorn. I don’t want to get her an entire popcorn to herself because it’s too much sugar but also a complete rip off. I could have gotten a large sweet popcorn instead but that would make me feel sick. I like to get a bunch of salted popcorn to balance the sweet. And did it need to be large? Of course. For just an extra 20p, it would be silly not to!
The compromise was asking them to fill the popcorn 80% with mixed popcorn, and topping up the remaining 20% with sweet which I then attempted to scoop out and give to the OddDaughter.
The OddDaughter doesn’t understand the concept of adverts – which kids do these days? So during the trailers, she lent over to me and said; “Daddy, I don’t think this is Moana 2”. She wasn’t wrong. The moment the movie did start, she immediately turned into a zombie and didn’t touch the popcorn I went to the trouble of getting right for her.

I’ll pass over to her now to do the rest of the Moana bit…
What happened in the movie?
Moana went down to the bottom of the ocean to find Maui.
What happened when she found Maui?
I don’t know.
Did she win?
No?! What happened to her then?
She slid to the bottom of the sea. Her family came. The tattoos came on her. And then she came alive and she made the boat and then they all went home.
Who do you think is stronger? Moana or Maui?
Maui. Because he’s bigger. And because he’s older. Like daddy.

Thanks. What was your favourite part of the movie?
Moana and her sister going to each other. Moana hugs her. They say “Big sis! Little sis!”
And what part of the movie didn’t you like?
It was when little sis was going in the basket. Because Moana had to try and lift her little sister up. Her little sister wanted to come with Moana.
Which film do you like better, Moana, or Moana 2?
Moana 2.
And which film do you like better. Moana 2 or Frozen?
And why do you like Frozen more?
Because Frozen has powers. I liked the crystals and I also liked the reindeer.
So, what would you do with Moana 3?
Erm… I would sit like this [sits on my shoulders]
And you think that would make Moana 3 better?
And there you have it. Straight from the mouth of a five year old.
To summarise – it was alright. Nothing compared to the first. Thanks, Hollywood.