Hello hello. A very quick post for you today – if you’re still reading! We have an event to attend, and quite frankly I want to avoid doing a post this evening after the Arsenal game – because, well, we’re not doing too well at the moment and I’d rather not go full Emo on here.

You never go full emo.
Today started off in a perfect Sunday manner. I woke up to lots of cuddles from the OddDaughter and OddSon, and then watched them interact, play, laugh. Utter bliss.
Then, realising the time, I had to commit to Mrs OddFather that I could get ready in half an hour so it gives her enough time to get ready too. That means trimming my beard, shaving, showering etc. Does half an hour seem too long? Well, you obviously don’t have a beard that seems to grow a millimetre every hour.
Anywho, already in a rush I started frantically finding what I can wear for the day.
And then it happened. I fell. I didn’t just fall, I fell in a stupidly comical way.

You see, I tripped on my pyjamas. That sounds fair right? I must have left them on the floor and tripped over them. But here’s the thing… I was still wearing the pyjamas. Somehow I managed to trip myself on clothes I was wearing. I haven’t done that since I was a kid wearing clothes that were obviously too big for me.
And when I fell. I fell hard. I didn’t realise my knees were that far from the ground that I would graze both of them on the carpet and twist my toe. Down and out.
I immediately made an announcement on Alexa to let Mrs OddFather know that I had fallen. Instead I got continuous responses from the OddDaughter saying “What, daddy?”, and then going on to guess what I said without giving me a chance to respond.
Did I need to announce I had fallen? No, I didn’t. Was I looking for sympathy and over egging what was just a slightly bloody and grazed knee? Yes. Of course I was.

And here I am now. Battered and bruised.
Can someone please give me some sympathy?!
Fine, fine. I’ll just get up and crack on with my day. Truth said, I was supposed to write about Moana 2 today. The OddDaughter and I went to the cinema to watch it yesterday. But, I don’t really have time to think right now so I’m just winging this blog post. Do I do that every day anyway? Yes, I do. But today more than ever I am strapped for time.
With that, I bid you farewell for the day so I can find a plaster for my knee. Good job I’m not going to the temple today where I need to go on my knees and bow down… Oh shit.