It’s been a bad day

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Morning from a cold, wet snowy London. I think it’s fair to say every person is entitled to their fair share of bad days. Yesterday was mine. Perhaps it was the lack of sleep from the night before… self-inflicted, I know. Or maybe it was as simple as waking up on the wrong side of the bed.

Which is silly. I always wake up on the same side of the bed. Does anybody actually wake up from the opposite side to where they regularly sleep? I can’t quite get my head around that. Maybe it’s because I generally stay in the same position all night. On the edge these days as I make room for the OddDaughter and the Oddson. Yes, I know it’s just a figure of speech, but this is what this blog is all about. Clinging onto something completely random and unrelated.

We continue. Anywho, the day was made significantly worse by the Arsenal result. I can go into the detail of why the penalty shouldn’t have been given etc etc, but I don’t have the energy. But then came the Liverpool fans…

Clinging onto a history from before most of us were even born, having been battered the last couple of seasons. Suddenly deciding they were going to pipe up after years of whinging. As an Arsenal fan I have had to deal with United fans a lot during the 90s, 00s… How I miss them now. They knew how to give and take “bantz”. I guess Liverpool are out of practice. I admired Liverpool and what they did against City for all those years, it was great watching someone go up against the machine. But when we became the main challengers to City for two seasons, I was surprised at how the Liverpool fans just wanted us to fail. And I mean people I know personally, not just online trolls. Says a lot about them.

Anyway, the point of this post isn’t to talk football. The point is, sometimes a person may be feeling shit. And there’s clear indication that a person is feeling shit – and may feel shit at a certain point. You then have individuals that will lift said person, or individuals that will bring said person down. And THAT is what makes relationships more or less valuable than others.

All a bit ominous for a Sunday morning eh? Fact is yesterday was largely a bad day. All you can do is draw a line under it and go again.

It wasn’t all bad though. I came to London to spend time with my sister and brother-in-law and it was quite fun. I learnt a lot about gameshows and got stuck in! Does my sister read this blog? Apparently, yes. Does that then mean I’m forced to say nice things as she makes me a coffee this morning. Also, yes.

It really feels like the festive period is over this morning. Probably makes sense given that tomorrow everyone will be more likely to be back at work and school. Just be kind to each other. You never know what sort of day someone may be having. That’s probably something I need to get better at myself. If I’m having a bad day, doesn’t mean someone isn’t having an even worse day.

Lot’s of reflection time! Enjoy your Sundays all, and if you’re travelling in the snow – do take care!

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