Hello hello. I’ve just returned from a night of drinking a few pints. Am I drunk? No. Do I know what to write about? No. So, let’s freestyle this.
Ok… I have nothing on my mind worth talking about. All I can think about is the fact I put a clothes wash on before I left the house earlier in the evening and now I need to muster the energy to hang the clothes out on the rack. I really don’t want to. But, I promised Mrs OddFather I would do so. And I am a man of my word. 60% of the time.
I feel like maybe last year I had more to talk about. What with the pregnancy and all the anxiety that surrounded it. Have I really run out of things to talk about after just 4 days?
Perhaps I need some inspiration. Cue random topic generator found online…
What is your favourite day of the week?
This one is easy. Wednesday. Why? Well, when I was young – very young – I was sent to a punjabi class on Tuesday evenings. Why Punjabi? Because that’s my background. The Punjabi class had two teachers that were quite strict. One of them had super long nails and slammed their hands on the table when they wanted you to read. My reading was weak. So I found a way to cheat the system. I had my brother – who knew how to read Punjabi – write what the words said in English in pencil. I would then rub out the words very slightly so they could only be seen by me. Foolproof. Obviously my eyesight must have been far superior to that of the teachers. OR they just amused me. Either way, I got through the class with a GCSE in Punjabi.
Believe it or not, I hated the class. It was the worst part of the week. It made me feel anxious. And I had no way to get out of it. SO, I hated Tuesdays, and therefore Wednesday became the defacto favourite day of the week for me, because it was the furthest away from Tuesday. No doubt the OddKids will endure the same one day.
Time for one more?
What weird or useless talent do you have?
The most useless talent I have is the ability to remember dates. But why is that useless I hear you say? Well, what use is it remembering 4th January is your birthday… if I don’t realise today is 4th January. I mean, once upon a time this may have resulted in enormous wealth. And then someone invented the calendar, and here I am, struggling to make ends meet.
Gosh – what a sorry excuse for a blog post.
I should have just waited until the morning. Now I need to go and hang the clothes out post-midnight with a sorry excuse for a post. Do I care? Not at all. This is my blog, and if I’ve wasted your time by you reading this – well, that’s just shame on you.
Don’t give up on me. Goodnight/morning.