Retail work

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Good morning. Actually – I’m cheating a bit here by writing this the night before you read it. Reason is I’m working the early shift in a store tomorrow as part of my job. That’s right, stacking shelves. Something I hadn’t done since I worked a part-time job a couple of decades ago. I guess that makes me a bit of a pro?

You see, even though I work in the digital industry, the company I work for is a high street retailer, and everyone that is contracted to this company, including the execs, need to spend a certain number of days in store at peak time.

I have to say, I don’t mind it. I quite enjoy getting to know our users. The days leading to Xmas time really flew when I worked in store. Though it got so busy at times. On the Sunday before Xmas, I helped stack shelves before the store opened. When the doors opened at 10am – lots, and I mean LOTs of customers flocked in. I barely had any space to move – it was all rather overwhelming. I found myself having to escape to the breakout room to get away from it all.

But I feel tomorrow (or today, for you), I’m concerned time may move a bit slowly. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t and all that. It does get rather tiring being on your feet all day. Kudos to the members of staff that do this day-in-day-out. And the majority of the time they’re so positive. We could all probably learn a thing or two from them!

On the Daddy Day Care day I wrote about in yesterday’s blog… I smashed it. Like literally the best case scenario I had written was pretty much how the day went. I can’t have really asked for it to go any better. Honestly, at one point I sat down for a cup of tea and watched the OddDaughter and OddSon play together and it melted my heart. Forget money, this is the wealth that drives me in life. Not that I’d say no to a lottery win too.

It wasn’t easy, but I feel I would do so well if I was given a year off for paternity leave and Mrs OddFather went back to work instead. Shame I can’t seem to produce milk (trust me, I’ve tried), because other than that I would totally say I’d take the year off next time. Not that we’re planning on having any more kids. I mean, I would love to have a third OddChild, but Mrs OddFather would kill me if we did.

Maybe I can make a case for being a house-husband if Mrs OddFather can somehow more than double her salary.

I can but dream.

Rightio – I’m going to leave it there for today (or tomorrow). Catch you on the other side.

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