The plan for the day

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Quick post today as it’s Operation Get-The-OddDaughter-To-Sleep-In-Her-Own-Room-Again. It starts today. The goal for the day is to get the base paint of pink and purple applied to the walls. Oh, and the skirting boards too.

How do I get there? Easy… This is how the day will go.

  1. Wake up. Done and done. Making great progress already.
  2. Check in on the OddDaughter to see how she’s feeling.
  3. Check in on Mrs OddFather to see how she’s doing.
  4. Get ready. I’m guessing painting in my pyjamas isn’t a great idea.
  5. Let’s start the day with a clear head. Meditation time.
  6. It’s going to be a long day so as they say… Eat breakfast like a King. What is the breakfasts of Kings? 3 sausages, 3 bacon, 2 fried eggs, a can of baked beans, sautéed mushrooms, 2 hash browns, 2 slices of toast with butter, a cup of coffee.
  7. All that eating will probably make me a little tired. Time for a nap.
  8. Wake up from the nap.
  9. Check in on the OddDaughter and Mrs OddFather to see how they’re feeling.
  10. Tea-break.
  11. Find a playlist on Spotify to motivate me throughout the day. I’m thinking the Rocky soundtrack.
  12. Time for lunch. Do Kings eat lunch too?
  13. Arsenal game kicks off at 12.30pm. Watch them inevitably lose.
  14. Spend a couple of hours after the game moping around feeling sorry for myself.
  15. Find the courage to go on social media to see what is being said about the football.
  16. Check in on the OddDaughter and Mrs OddFather to see how they’re feeling.
  17. Help decide what we’ll have for dinner.
  18. Sit around waiting for dinner to be made.
  19. Eat dinner.
  20. Put the OddDaughter to sleep as I haven’t seen her all day.
  21. Bit too late to start now so get approval to “do whatever I want” from Mrs OddFather.
  22. Make a plan to paint tomorrow.
  23. Watch a movie before going to bed.

Yep – it’s going to be a productive day.

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